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Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin (ssp minor) - Adult
Zakouma National Park (Camp Tinga)
Country image taken
April, 2018
Nikon D7000 + Sigma 150-600
Bird Species
Cercotrichas galactotes - Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin
Bird Species (French)
Agrobate roux
Bird Family
Muscicapidae - Chats, Flycatchers, Robins, Wheatears, Akalats, Rock Thrushes, Palm Thrushes,Redstarts
Bird Group
Passeriformes Flycatchers, Starlings, Sunbirds, Swallows, Warblers, Weavers etc
Bird Status
Least Concern
Related images
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Nairobi, KENYA
Brown Firefinch in hand
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Western Reef Heron - white morph
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Western Reef Heron - dark morph
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Crowned Eagle - Karura Forest, Nairobi, KENYA
Karura Forest, Nairobi, KENYA
Ring Ouzel, first record for Senegal
Ranch de Bango, northern Senegal
Ring Ouzel, first record for Senegal
Ranch de Bango, northern Senegal
Western Red-billed Hornbill
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Western Red-billed Hornbill
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Western Red-billed Hornbill feeding on the ground
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Western Red-billed Hornbill feeding on the ground
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Pearl-spotted Owlet perched in the Golf of Saly, Senegal
Mauritanian & Grey Heron, Héron pâle & H. cendré (Ardea cinerea monicae & A. c. cinerea) - Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Mauritanian & Grey Heron, Héron pâle & H. cendré (Ardea cinerea monicae & A. c. cinerea) - Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Mauritanian Heron, Héron pâle (Ardea cinerea monicae) - Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Mauritanian Heron, Héron pâle (Ardea cinerea monicae) - Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Mauritanian Heron, Héron pâle (Ardea cinerea monicae) - Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Mauritanian Heron, Héron pâle (Ardea cinerea monicae) - Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Malachite Kingfisher in hand
La Somone - SENEGAL
Mottled Swift in flight in Somone, Senegal
La Somone - SENEGAL
Grey-headed Gull - Adult in flight
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Grey-headed Gull - Adult
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Grey-headed Gull - Adult
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Adult Lesser Crested Tern
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
African (royal) Tern in flight
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Roseate Tern in a flock of Common Terns - Langue de Barbarie National Park, SENEGAL
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Male Scarlet-chested Sunbird
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Male Scarlet-chested Sunbird
Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie - Sénégal
Red-throated Rock Martin
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Olive-naped Weaver
Cotonou - Benin
African Green Bee-eater (with broken lower mandibule)
Road Abeche - Oryx Camp
West African Crested Terns in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou - Benin
Immature West African Crested Tern
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
West African Crested Terns in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Blacksmith Lapwing, Vanneau armé (Vanellus armatus) - Chobe National Park (BOTSWANA)
Chobe National Park, BOTSWANA
Three-banded Plover, Pluvier à triple collier (Charadrius tricollaris) - Chobe National Park, BOTSWANA
Chobe National Park, BOTSWANA
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver, Mahali à sourcils blancs (Plocepasser mahali) - Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver, Mahali à sourcils blancs (Plocepasser mahali) - Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Wire-tailed Swallow, Hirondelle à longs brins (Hirundo smithii) - VicFalls, ZIMBABWE
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Red-winged Starling, Rufipenne morio (Onychognathus morio) - Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Red-winged Starling, Rufipenne morio (Onychognathus morio) - Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Thick-billed (Grosbeak) Weaver, Amblyospize à front blanc (Amblyospiza albifrons), at nest - Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Thick-billed (Grosbeak) Weaver, Amblyospize à front blanc (Amblyospiza albifrons), at nest - Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Thick-billed (Grosbeak) Weaver, Amblyospize à front blanc (Amblyospiza albifrons), at nest - Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Common Bulbul ssp. tricolor
Brazzaville - Congo
Common Bulbul ssp tricolor
Brazzaville, Congo
Hoopoe ssp. africana
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
African Swamphen
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Juvenile Yellow-billed Kite
Cotonou harbour, Benin
Ostrichs in Zakouma National Park (Chad)
Zakouma National Park
Ostrichs in Zakouma National Park (Chad)
Zakouma National Park
Arabian Bustard
Réserve de Faune de Ouadi Rimé et Ouadi Achim (RFOROA)
Arabian Bustard
Réserve de Faune de Ouadi Rimé et Ouadi Achim (RFOROA)
Nubian Bustard
Réserve de Faune de Ouadi Rimé et Ouadi Achim (RFOROA)
Nubian Bustard
Réserve de Faune de Ouadi Rimé et Ouadi Achim (RFOROA)
Nubian Bustard
Réserve de Faune de Ouadi Rimé et Ouadi Achim (RFOROA)
Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin (ssp minor)
Zakouma National Park (Camp Tinga)
Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin (ssp minor)
Zakouma National Park (Camp Tinga)
Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin (ssp minor)
Zakouma National Park (Camp Tinga)
Black-crowned Sparrow Lark - Adult -
Road Abeche - Oryx Camp
White-headed Lapwing in flight
Stanley Pool, Congo River, Brazzaville
White-headed Lapwing in flight
Stanley Pool, Congo River, Brazzaville
São Tomé Prinia
São Tomé - SÃO TOMÉ
São Tomé Prinia
São Tomé - SÃO TOMÉ
São Tomé Prinia
São Tomé - SÃO TOMÉ
Gosling's Bunting
Nazinga Game Ranch
Yellow-crowned Canary
Kinigi - RWANDA
Mixed flock of Black and Brown Noddis at sea
Sete Pedras Islet - SÃO TOMÉ
Brown Booby at breeding site
Sete Pedras Islet - SÃO TOMÉ
Brown Noddi at breeding site
Sete Pedras Islet - SÃO TOMÉ
Mixed flock of Black and Brown Noddis at breeding site
Sete Pedras Islet - SÃO TOMÉ
Black Noddi at breeding site
Sete Pedras Islet - SÃO TOMÉ
Black Noddi at breeding site
Sete Pedras Islet - SÃO TOMÉ
Black Noddis at breeding site
Sete Pedras Islet - SÃO TOMÉ
Black Noddi at breeding site
Sete Pedras Islet - SÃO TOMÉ
Ploceus velatus ssp. peixotoi
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
Ploceus velatus ssp. peixotoi
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
Ploceus velatus ssp. peixotoi
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
Ploceus velatus ssp. peixotoi
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
Ploceus velatus ssp. peixotoi
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
Ploceus velatus ssp. peixotoi
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
Serinus (Crithagra) rufobrunneus thomensis
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
Cattle Egret
Praia Inhame
Female Newton's Sunbird
Praia Inhame
Female Newton's Sunbird
Praia Inhame
Male Newton's Sunbird
Praia Inhame
Male Newton's Sunbird
Praia Inhame
White-winged Widowbird (underwing pattern of a male)
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
White-winged Widowbird (moulting male)
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
White-winged Widowbird (moulting male)
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
White-winged Widowbird (moulting male)
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
White-winged Widowbird (moulting male)
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - SÃO TOMÉ
Golden-backed Bishop
Mucumbli lodge - Neves - São Tomé
Black-capped Speirops
Sao Joao dos Angolares - SAO TOME
Black-capped Speirops
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Black-capped Speirops
Praia Inhame
Sao Tome Weaver
Sao Joao dos Angolares - SAO TOME
Sao Tome Weaver
Sao Joao dos Angolares - SAO TOME
Sao Tome Weaver
Sao Joao dos Angolares - SAO TOME
Red-headed Quelea - Male buidling nest
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Red-headed Quelea
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Golden-backed Bishop
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Golden-backed Bishop
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Golden-backed Bishop
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Golden-backed Bishop
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Golden-backed Bishop
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
African Emerald Cuckoo
Praia Inhame
Bridled Tern
Sete Pedras Islet - Sao Tome
Giant Weaver
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Giant Weaver
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Commom Waxbill ssp angolensis
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Blue Waxbill
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Blue Waxbill
Mucumbli - Sao Tome
Banded Martin
Bateke Plateau
Sao Tome Spinetail
Sao Joao dos Angolares - SAO TOME
Sao Tome Spinetail
Sao Joao dos Angolares - SAO TOME
Pin-tailed Whydah
Djene (Malonda Lodge) - CONGO
Pin-tailed Whydah
Djene (Malonda Lodge) - CONGO
Pin-tailed Whydah - Display flight of male
Djene (Malonda Lodge) - CONGO
Pin-tailed Whydah - Display flight of male
Djene - CONGO
Bob-tailed Weaver
Brazzaville - Republic of Congo
Bob-tailed Weaver
Brazzaville - Republic of Congo
Tawny-flanked Prinia
Tawny-flanked Prinia
Tawny-flanked Prinia
Senegal Kingfisher
Congo Moor-Chat
Lifoula (north of Brazzaville)
Congo Moor-Chat
Lifoula (north of Brazzaville)
Speckled Mousebird
Olive-bellied Sunbird on Ibiscus flower
Ruwenzori Double-collared Sunbird ssp graueri
Kinigi, Virunga NP - RWANDA
Ruwenzori Double-collared Sunbird ssp graueri
Kinigi, Virunga NP - RWANDA
Ruwenzori Double-collared Sunbird ssp graueri
Kinigi, Virunga NP - RWANDA
Ruwenzori Double-collared Sunbird ssp graueri
Kinigi, Virunga NP - RWANDA
Woodland Pipit
Bateke Plateau
Rufous-vented Paradise-Flycatcher
Rufous-vented Paradise-Flycatcher
African Palm Swift
Malonda Lodge (near Djeno) - SW Congo
African Palm Swift
Malonda Lodge (near Djeno) - SW Congo
African Palm Swift - adult at nest
Malonda Lodge (near Djeno) - SW Congo
Euplectes ardens ssp concolor - Male display flight
Bateke Plateau
Euplectes ardens ssp concolor - Male display flight
Bateke Plateau
Euplectes ardens ssp concolor - Male display flight
Bateke Plateau
Yellow-mantled Widowbird
Bateke Plateau
Yellow-mantled Widowbird
Bateke Plateau
Yellow-mantled Widowbird
Bateke Plateau
Yellow-mantled Widowbird
Bateke Plateau
Yellow-mantled Widowbird
Bateke Plateau
Black-necked Weaver, male ssp nigricollis
Black-faced Canary
Sooty Chat
Bateke Plateau
Northern Grey-headed Sparrow
Rufous-tailed Palm-Thrush
Rufous-tailed Palm-Thrush
Pied Crow
Little-rush Warbler
So-Ava (Southern Benin)
Little-rush Warbler
So-Ava (Southern Benin)
Little-rush Warbler
So-Ava (Southern Benin)
Red-footed Falcon hunting over Bateke Plateau
Bateke Plateau
Red-footed Falcon immature female hunting over Bateke Plateau
Bateke Plateau
Forbes's Plover
So-Ava - BENIN
Female Southern Red Bishop
Kibuye - RWANDA
Female Southern Red Bishop
Kibuye - RWANDA
Female Southern Red Bishop
Kibuye - RWANDA
Female Southern Red Bishop
Kibuye - RWANDA
Male Southern Red Bishop dislpaying
Kibuye - RWANDA
Male Southern Red Bishop dislpaying
Kibuye - RWANDA
Male Southern Red Bishop dislpaying
Kibuye - RWANDA
Male Southern Red Bishop
Kibuye - RWANDA
Male Southern Red Bishop
Kibuye - RWANDA
Male Southern Red Bishop dislpaying
Kibuye - RWANDA
African Stonechat - Saxicola (torquatus) axillaris
Gisenyi - RWANDA
African Stonechat - Saxicola (torquatus) axillaris
Gisenyi - RWANDA
African Stonechat - Saxicola (torquatus) axillaris
Gisenyi - RWANDA
Swamp Flycatcher ssp infulata
Kigufi - RWANDA
Swamp Flycatcher ssp infulata
Kigufi - RWANDA
Grey-capped Warbler
Kigufi - RWANDA
Red-necked Spurfowls
Akagera NP - RWANDA
Red-necked Spurfowls
Akagera NP - RWANDA
Reed (=long-tailed) Cormorant
Kigufi - RWANDA
Reed (=long-tailed) Cormorant
Kigufi - RWANDA
Pied Kingfisher
Kigufi - RWANDA
Common Sandpiper
Akagera NP - RWANDA
Ruppell's Starling
Akagera NP - RWANDA
Double-toothed Barbet
Kigufi - RWANDA
Double-toothed Barbet
Kigufi - RWANDA
Double-toothed Barbet
Kigufi - RWANDA
Red-Chested Sunbird
Gisenyi - RWANDA
Cape Robin-Chat
Kinigi - RWANDA
Brimstone Canary singing
Gisenyi - RWANDA
Brimstone Canary singing
Gisenyi - RWANDA
Streaky Seedeater
Kinigi - RWANDA
Male Variable Sunbird singing
Virunga Lodge - RWANDA
Bronzy Sunbird
Kinigi - RWANDA
Bronzy Sunbird
Kinigi - RWANDA
Bronzy Sunbird
Kinigi - RWANDA
Male Standard-winged Nightjar on the road
Nazinga Game Ranch
Red-winged Pytilia
Nazinga Game Ranch
Bronzed-winged Courser - night shot
Nazinga Game Ranch
Olive-bellied Sunbird feeding
Brazzaville, Congo
Olive-bellied Sunbird feeding on Hibiscus flower
Brazzaville, Congo
Reichenbach's Sunbird
Lesio-Louna Reserve
Reichenbach's Sunbird
Lesio-Louna Reserve
White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher ssp toruensis
Kinigi (Virunga Volcanoes NP) - RWANDA
White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher ssp toruensis
Kinigi (Virunga Volcanoes NP) - RWANDA
African Pied Wagtail - Immature moulting to adult
Kigufi - RWANDA
Baglafecht Weaver
Kibuye - RWANDA
Baglafecht Weaver
Kinigi (Virunga Volcanoes NP) - RWANDA
Black-headed Weaver ssp dimidiatus
Kinigi (Virunga Volcanoes NP) - RWANDA
Holub's Golden Weaver
Kinigi (Virunga Volcanoes NP) - RWANDA
Holub's Golden Weaver
Kinigi (Virunga Volcanoes NP) - RWANDA
Tropical Boubou
Kinigi (Virunga Volcanoes NP) - RWANDA
Lady Ross Turaco
Chubb's Cisticola
Kinigi (Volcanoes National Park) - RWANDA
Chubb's Cisticola
Kinigi (Volcanoes National Park) - RWANDA
Mariqua Sunbird
Akagera National Park
Greyish Eagle-Owl
Nazinga Game Ranch
Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu
Nazinga Game Ranch
Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu
Nazinga Game Ranch
Grey-headed Gull
Parc National du Delta du Saloum - Senegal
Black-faced Firefinch
Nazinga Game Ranch
Bar-breasted Firefinch mistnetted
Nazinga Game Ranch
Flappet Lark ssp buckleyi - night shot!
Nazinga Game Ranch
Citrine Wagtail
Dakar - Senegal
Red-throated Bee-eater
Nazinga Game Ranch
Standard-winged Nightjar
Nazinga Game Ranch
Arctic Skua
Parc National du Delta du Saloum - Senegal
Bruce's Green Pigeon
Nazinga Game Ranch
Ruppell's Vulture on a carrion
Parc National du Delta du Saloum - Senegal
Ruppell's Vulture on a carrion
Parc National du Delta du Saloum - Senegal
Red-billed Tropicbird at nest
Madeleine Island (Dakar), Senegal
Red-billed Tropicbird off Dakar
Madeleine Island (Dakar), Senegal
Young fledgling Rufous-tailed Palm-Thrush
Brazzaville, Congo
Rufous-tailed Palm Thrush
Brazzaville, Congo
Rufous-vented Paradise-Flycatcher
Brazzaville, Congo
Blue Waxbill
Brazzaville, Congo
Blue Waxbill
Brazzaville, Congo
Congo Sand Martin migrating on Congo River
Brazzaville, Congo
Congo Sand Martin migrating on Congo River
Brazzaville, Congo
Congo Sand Martin migrating on Congo River
Brazzaville, Congo
House Sparrows posing
Brazzaville, Congo
Male House Sparrow at nest
Brazzaville, Congo
Purple-banded Sunbird
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Pin-tailed Whydah - male moulting
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Pin-tailed Whydah - male moulting
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
African Palm Swift in flight
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
African Palm Swift in flight
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Reichenbach's Sunbird
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Reichenbach's Sunbird
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Reichenbach's Sunbird
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Purple-banded Sunbird
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Purple-banded Sunbird - Male displaying
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Yellow-fronted Canary after bathing
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Long-legged Pipit
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Blue-breasted Bee-eater
Malonda Lodge (near Pointe-Noire)
Lesser Black-backed Gull on Congo River (with Kinshasa in the background)
Brazzaville - Congo
Pin-tailed Whydah singing
Brazzaville - Congo
Amethyst Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Amethyst Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Amethyst Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Amethyst Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Two young Olive-bellied Sunbirds
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Young Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville - Congo
Immature Female Brown-throated Wattle-eye
Brazzaville - Congo
Immature Female Brown-throated Wattle-eye
Brazzaville - Congo
Immature Female Brown-throated Wattle-eye
Brazzaville - Congo
Immature Female Brown-throated Wattle-eye
Brazzaville - Congo
Underwing pattern - Blue-spotted Wood Dove
Brazzaville - Congo
Blue-spotted Wood Dove in Brazzaville
Brazzaville - Congo
Adult male Cooper Sunbird
Brazzavile, Congo
Adult male Cooper Sunbird
Brazzavile, Congo
Adult male Cooper Sunbird
Brazzavile, Congo
Adult male Cooper Sunbird
Brazzavile, Congo
Adult male Cooper Sunbird
Brazzavile, Congo
Adult male Cooper Sunbird
Brazzavile, Congo
Adult male Cooper Sunbird
Brazzavile, Congo
Western Bluebill ssp pustulata
Brazzaville, Congo
Green-headed Sunbird
Brazzaville, Congo
Olive-bellied Sunbird
Winding Cisticola
Young Little Bee-eater ssp 'meridionalis'
Zebra waxbills
Zebra waxbill
Brown-throated Wattle-eye
Blue Waxbill
Brazzaville, Congo
Blue Waxbill jumping in bath
Brazzaville, Congo
Congo Sand Martin in flight above Congo River banks
Brazzaville, Congo
Magpie Mannikin
Brazzaville, Congo
Magpie Mannikin
Brazzaville, Congo
Female Black-faced Canary in the tall grasses
along the Congo River banks in Brazzaville
Female Black-faced Canary in the tall grasses
along the Congo River banks in Brazzaville
Male Black-faced Canary in the tall grasses
along the Congo River banks in Brazzaville
Male Black-faced Canary in the tall grasses
along the Congo River banks in Brazzaville
Adult Rufous-tailed Palm-Trush
Brazzaville, Congo
Adult Rufous-tailed Palm-Trush
Brazzaville, Congo
Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville, Congo
Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville, Congo
Olive-bellied Sunbird
Brazzaville, Congo
Tawny-flanked Prinia ssp 'melanorhyncha'
Brazzaville, Congo
Brown-throated (common) Wattle-eye
Togbin - Southern Benin
Brown-throated (common) Wattle-eye - young chick near nest
Togbin - Southern Benin
Brown-throated (common) Wattle-eye - young chick near nest
Togbin - Southern Benin
Mottled Spinetail - fast gliding
Hotel du Lac - Cotonou, Benin
Mottled Spinetail - slow gliding
Hotel du Lac - Cotonou, Benin
Mottled Spinetail - soaring - upper view
Hotel du Lac - Cotonou, Benin
Mottled Spinetail - soaring - under view
Hotel du Lac - Cotonou, Benin
Mottled Spinetail - active flight - side view
Hotel du Lac - Cotonou, Benin
Young shikra in Cotonou
Cotonou - Benin
Young shikra in Cotonou
Cotonou - Benin
Young shikra in Cotonou
Cotonou - Benin
Northern Lapwings - Parc National du Delta du Saloum (Senegal)
Sine-Saloum (Senegal)
Great Snipe in flight
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Great Snipe in tomato fields
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Great Snipes
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
African Openbills fighting for snails
So-Ava, southern Benin
African Openbill caught a snail
So-Ava, southern Benin
Green-headed Sunbird
Togbin, southern Benin
Eurasian Reed Warbler
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Immature (1st winter) Whinchat
Sô-Ava, Southern Benin
Hovering action of a Pied Kingfisher
Sô-Ava, Southern Benin
Long-tailed Nightjar in the daylight
Sô-Ava, Southern Benin
Male Wilson's Indigobird
Togbin, Southern Benin
Male Wilson's Indigobird
Togbin, Southern Benin
Male Wilson's Indigobird
Togbin, Southern Benin
Brown Sunbird
Togbin, Southern Benin
A leaflove caught in the edge of Pahou forest
Pahou (Ahozon) Classified Forest (Southern Benin)
Brown Illadopsis photographed under the dense canopy of Pahou Forest
Pahou (Ahozon) Classified Forest (Southern Benin)
Northern Red Bishop (female/immature)
So-Ava, southern Benin
Northern Red Bishop (female/immature)
So-Ava, southern Benin
Males Northern Red Bishops assuming non breeding plumage
So-Ava, southern Benin
Males Northern Red Bishops assuming non breeding plumage
So-Ava, southern Benin
Males Northern Red Bishops assuming non breeding plumage
So-Ava, southern Benin
Males Northern Red Bishops assuming non breeding plumage
So-Ava, southern Benin
Adult male Pin-tailed Whydah assuming non breeding plumage
So-Ava, southern Benin
Male Slender-billed Weaver assuming non breeding plumage
So-Ava, southern Benin
Adult Female Slender-billed Weaver
So-Ava, southern Benin
Female Village Weaver
So-Ava, southern Benin
Village Weaver feeding on hebaceous seeds
So-Ava, southern Benin
Royal Terns in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou - Benin
Colour-ringed Sanderling (R5RRYG),
Cotonou harbour, Benin
Colour-ringed Sanderling (R5RRYG),
Cotonou harbour, Benin
Colour-ringed Sanderling (R5RRYG),
Cotonou harbour, Benin
A very obliging Palm Dove
Houndodji - Southern Benin
Zitting Cisticola in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou - Benin
Male Cooper Sunbird singing on top of mangrove trees
Houndodji - Southern Benin
Flight action of a Blue-bellied Roller
Djija - Benin
Moulting male Little Weaver in Pendjari NP
Pendjari National Park, northern Benin
Northern Red Bishop - Adult male
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Northern Red Bishop - Adult male
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Yellow-crowned Bishop: moulting male or adult female
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Yellow-crowned Bishop: moulting male or adult female
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Immature Zebra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Zebra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Zebra Waxbill
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Adult Winding Cisticola
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Adult Winding Cisticola singing
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Flight action of a male Long-tailed Nightjar
Sô-Ava, southern Benin
Red-headed Malimbe in Niaouli Forest
Niaouli Forest
Blue-throated Roller in Niaouli Forest
Niaouli Forest
Black-bellied Bustard, young chick
Djidja (central Benin)
Anambra Waxbills - So-Ava (southern Benin)
So-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill - So-Ava (southern Benin)
So-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill - So-Ava (southern Benin)
So-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill - So-Ava (southern Benin)
So-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Anambra Waxbill - So-Ava (southern Benin)
So-Ava, Lower Ouémé, southern Benin
Sanderling in Cotonou
Cotonou harbour (southern Benin)
Ruddy Turnstone in breeding dress in Cotonou (with a Grey Plover)
Cotonou harbour (southern Benin)
Yellow-fronted Canary in Pendjari National Park
Pendjari National Park (northern Benin)
Yellow-fronted Canary in Pendjari National Park
Pendjari National Park (northern Benin)
Red-throated Bee-eater in Pendjari National Park
Pendjari National Park (northern Benin)
White-throated Bee-eater in Sô-Ava
Sô-Ava (southern Benin)
Singing Cisticola in Tanougou Waterfalls
Tanougou Waterfalls (northern Benin)
Tawny-flanked Prinia in Pendjari National Park
Pendjari National Park (northern Benin)
Senegal Eremomela in Pendjari National Park
Pendjari National Park (northern Benin)
Senegal Eremomela in Pendjari National Park
Pendjari National Park (northern Benin)
Brown Babbler in Pendjari National Park
Pendjari National Park (northern Benin)
Brown-throated (Common) Wattle-eye in Tanougou Waterfalls
Tanougou Waterfalls (northern Benin)
Yellow Wagtail of 'flava' ssp
Cotonou harbour
Yellow Wagtail of 'flava' ssp
Cotonou harbour
Slender-billed Weaver
Djérégbé, SE corner of Benin
Greater Painted-snipe
Djérégbé - SE corner of Benin
Orange Weaver
Djérégbé - SE corner of Benin
Orange Weaver
Djérégbé - SE corner of Benin
Little ringed Plover in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Little ringed Plover in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Little Egret in Cotonou
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Speckled Pigeon in Cotonou
Cotonou harbour - Benin
A Grey Plover running in the waves...
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Adult Greenshank in Cotonou
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Spur-winged Lapwing
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Pied Crow
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Little Ringed Plover on a pool in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Adult female Freckled Nightjar incubating
Tobè Rock - Benin
Adult female Freckled Nightjar incubating
Tobè Rock - Benin
Adult female Freckled Nightjar incubating
Tobè Rock - Benin
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Adult winter Red Knot (with sanderlings)
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Adult winter Red Knot (with a sanderling)
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Adult winter Red Knot (with a sanderling)
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Pin-tailed Whydah
Grand Popo (Southern Benin)
Red-billed Firefinch
Grand Popo (Southern Benin)
Red-billed Firefinch
Grand Popo (Southern Benin)
Red-billed Firefinch
Grand Popo (Southern Benin)
African Cuckoo
Sô-Ava, Benin
African Crake on the trail leading to Sô-Ava
Sô-Ava, Benin
Male Pin-tailled Whydah moulting to non breeding plumage
Grand Popo (Southern Benin)
Male Pin-tailled Whydah moulting to non breeding plumage
Grand Popo (Southern Benin)
Male Variable Sunbird moulting to non breeding plumage
Cotonou - Benin
Moulting female/immature Variable Sunbird
Cotonou - Benin
Skulking Great Snipe in Plaine du Sô
Sô-Ava, Benin
Forbes's Plover
Sô-Ava, Benin
Collared Pratincole in the Plaine du Sô
Sô-Ava, Benin
Mist-netted Blue-spotted Wood Dove
Togbin (Southern Benin)
Simple Greenbul
Togbin (S Benin)
Olive-bellied Sunbird
Pahou Classified Forest (S Benin)
Black-crowned Tchagra in Southern Benin
Togbin (S Benin)
A running Temminck's Courser ...
Sahel Partial Reserve (Northern Burkina Faso)
Yellow-billed Shrike
Cotonou - Benin
Yellow-billed Shrike
Cotonou - Benin
Yellow-billed Shrike, adult with juvenile begging food
Cotonou - Benin
Senegal Eromomela
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Adult female Black-headed Weaver ssp 'capitalis'
Sedjè-Dénou (Basse Vallée de l'Ouémé) - Benin
Spur-winged Lapwing in Cotonou
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Partly albino Long-tailed Glossy Starling
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Village Weaver: a male buiding nest
Zinvié, Plaine du Sô (Benin)
Variable Sunbird
Cotonou - Benin
Variable Sunbird
Cotonou - Benin
White-throated Bee-eater
Sô-Ava, Benin
Senegal Thick-knee
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
A portrait of Senegal Thick-knee
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Immature White-throated Bee-eater
Sô-Ava, Benin
Male Whinchat in S Benin
Sô-Ava, Benin
Ringed Plover in Cotonou
Cotonou harbour - Bénin
Ringed Plover taking off
Cotonou, Airport beach - Bénin
Red-eyed Dove at nest
Togbin (Southern Benin)
Plain-backed Pipit
Sô-Ava, Benin
Plain-backed Pipit
Sô-Ava, Benin
Swamp Flycatcher
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Swamp Flycatcher in Southern Burkina Faso
Nazinga Game Ranch
Swamp Flycatcher in Southern Burkina Faso
Nazinga Game Ranch
Superb (indeed ...) Sunbird
Zinvié, Plaine du Sô (Benin)
Two adults male and a female Orange Weavers
Sedjè-Dénou (Basse Vallée de l'Ouémé) - Benin
Northern Red Bishop in its beautiful dress
Plaine du Sô (Bénin)
Northern Puffback
Togbin (Southern Benin)
Brown-throated Wattle-eye
Togbin - Benin
Crested Lark of ssp. 'senegalensis'
Sine Saloum National Park
Black Coucal
Plaine du Sô (Bénin)
Black Coucal
Plaine du Sô (Bénin)
Adult Splendid Glossy Starling in Cotonou
Cotonou - Benin
Immature African Hawk Eagle
Nazinga Game Ranch
Immature African Hawk Eagle
Nazinga Game Ranch
Adult Splendid Glossy Starling in Cotonou
Cotonou - Benin
Adult Splendid Glossy Starling in Cotonou
Cotonou - Benin
Compact Weaver
Pahou Forest (SW Benin)
Compact Weaver
Pahou Forest (SW Benin)
Flight action of an Arctic Tern above "old bridge" in Cotonou
Cotonou - Benin
Flight action of a Caspian Tern above "old bridge" in Cotonou
Cotonou - Benin
Water Thick-knee showing wing pattern
Cotonou harbour - Benin
Buff-breasted Sandpiper in flight
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Buff-breasted Sandpiper in flight
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Black-and-White Mannikin
Zinvié - Benin
Two Buff-breasted Sandpipers in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Immature Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Immature Buff-breasted Sandpiper with Yellow Wagtail
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Adult Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Adult Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Adult Yellow-throated Longlaw on Cotonou beach
Cotonou, Airport beach - Bénin
Adult Yellow-throated Longlaw on Cotonou beach
Cotonou, Airport beach - Bénin
Adult Yellow-throated Longlaw on Cotonou beach
Cotonou, Airport beach - Bénin
Turnstone in flight
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Pin-tailed Whydah
Sô-Ava, Benin
Yellow-crowned Bishop
Sô-Ava, Benin
Yellow-crowned Bishop
Sô-Ava, Benin
Slender-billed Weaver
Sô-Ava, Benin
Slender-billed Weaver
Sô-Ava, Benin
Slender-billed Weaver
Sô-Ava, Benin
Male Allen's Gallinule caught by children
Sô-Ava, Benin
African Pygmy Goose in Sô-Ava, Southern Benin
Sô-Ava, Benin
Sanderlings on Cotonou harbour's beach
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper with Sanderlings
Cotonou Harbour - Bénin
Adult Arctic Tern (ringed)
Cotonou Harbour
Adult Arctic Tern taking some rest on Cotonou beach
Cotonou Harbour
Adult Arctic Tern taking some rest on Cotonou beach
Cotonou Harbour
Female Variable Sunbird in a garden of Cotonou
Cotonou - BENIN
Common Sandpiper in Godomey (Cotonou)
Mare de Godomey (Cotonou) - BENIN
Adult Water Thick-knee in Cotonou harbour
Cotonou Harbour
Standard-winged Nightjar
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
African Trush in a garden in Cotonou
Cotonou - Bénin
Slpendid Glossy Starlings in Cotonou
Cotonou - Bénin
Lanner Falcon ssp. abyssinicus
Cotonou - Bénin
Lanner Falcon ssp. abyssinicus
Cotonou - Bénin
Adult Damara Terns with Royal Tern and Sanderling
Cotonou - Bénin
Damara Terns with Sanderling
Cotonou - Bénin
Damara Terns
Cotonou - Bénin
Damara Terns
Cotonou - Bénin
African Paradise-Flycatcher
Abomey - Bénin
Adults Damara Terns
Cotonou - Bénin
Grey Pratincole on the beach of Cotonou
Cotonou - Bénin
Thick-billed Cuckoo
Djidja - Département du Zou
African Grey Hornbill in hand
Nazinga Game Ranch
Arctic Skua
Sine Saloum Delta, SENEGAL
Double-spurred Francolins
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Spotted Thick-knee
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse
Sahel Partial Reserve - BURKINA FASO
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse
Sahel Partial Reserve - BURKINA FASO
Arabian Bustard
Sahel Partial Reserve - BURKINA FASO
Standard-winged Nightjar
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Standard-winged Nightjar
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
White-backed Night Heron
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
White-backed Night Heron
Nazinga Game Ranch - BURKINA FASO
Standard-winged Nightjar
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Standard-winged Nightjar
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Red-throated Bee-eaters
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Namaqua Dove
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Vinaceous Dove
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Red-throated Bee-eater
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Standard-winged Nightjar
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Four-banded Sandgrouse
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Male Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu in brillant plumage at Nazinga Game Ranch (BF)
Nazinga Game Ranch - BURKINA FASO
Woolly-necked Stork
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Cabanis's Bunting
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Common Bulbul
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
Grasshopper Buzzard
Nazinga Game Ranch – BURKINA FASO
White-backed Night Heron
Nazinga Game Ranch - BURKINA FASO